Early Bird,
Student price | |
Article | Price(RMB) |
One article | 2200 |
Two articles | 2000 |
Three and more articles | 1800 |
Teacher price | |
One article | 2600 |
Two articles | 2400 |
Three and more articles | 2200 |
●Other listener:600 RMB/person for students and 1000 RMB/person for non students.
●Early Bird:For submissions completed before June 16, 2024, the above price will be reduced by 500RMB/article.
●IEEE member receives a 10% discount off the above prices.
Collection letter :
NAME: Guangxi Association for Artificial Intelligence
ACCOUNT: 45050160447300000736
ADDRESS: Room 209, Teaching Building 5, Beibu Gulf University, Qinnan District, Qinzhou City, Guangxi Province
BANK NAME: China Construction Bank Co., Ltd.
BANK ADDRESS: China Construction Bank Co., Ltd. Nanning Chaoyang Branch
Collection QR code:
PS:attach your article ID number(s)