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    Early Bird,

    Student price
    Article Price(RMB)
    One  article 2200
    Two articles 2000
    Three and more articles 1800
    Teacher price
    One  article 2600
    Two articles 2400
    Three and more articles 2200

    ●Other listener:600 RMB/person for students and 1000 RMB/person for non students.

    ●Early Bird:For submissions completed before June 16, 2024, the above price will be reduced by 500RMB/article.

    ●IEEE member receives a 10% discount off the above prices.

    Collection letter :
    NAME: Guangxi Association for Artificial Intelligence
    ACCOUNT: 45050160447300000736
    ADDRESS: Room 209, Teaching Building 5, Beibu Gulf University, Qinnan District, Qinzhou City, Guangxi Province
    BANK NAME: China Construction Bank Co., Ltd.
    BANK ADDRESS: China Construction Bank Co., Ltd. Nanning Chaoyang Branch

    Collection QR code:

    PS:attach your article ID number(s)


